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How Much Does a Dog Bite Lawsuit Cost

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report, more than 4 million dog bites take place each year, and nearly 20 percent of those cases require medical attention. A dog attack can cause serious injuries, fatalities, or long-term traumatic stress. Treatment may run into thousands of dollars, not forgetting the lost income from hours spent seeking treatment and recovery.

When you or a loved one suffers a dog bite, you could turn to the law to hold the owner accountable for the injuries. If you make a compelling case, you could recover compensation for all the related demands. Dog bite laws vary across many states, which is why you need to speak to a local dog bite attorney before initiating a case.

Dog Bite Lawsuit Cost

What Is Owner Liability in Dog Bite Lawsuits?

Dog owner liability states that the dog owner is responsible in cases where the injury was partly due to their carelessness or if they knew their pets had the habit of causing such injuries.

Liability claims can be compelling if the following facts are present:

  • The victim was not trespassing.
  • The victim did not provoke the animal.
  • The dog was unleashed despite prior knowledge of its viciousness (negligence).

Some state laws have a strict liability clause for dog bites. Where this applies, the owner is liable even without prior knowledge, especially if it happens on public property.

How Much Should I Claim for Dog Bite Settlement?

It is hard to put a ballpark figure on a dog bite settlement because it depends on the facts of the case, including the extent of the injuries.

Your claim can cover:

  • Medical expenses: Treatment for dog bites can blow a massive hole in your finances. You should be able to recover the money spent on hospital bills and medication if your case is successful.
  • Disability claims: Severe bites could cause disability, and when it happens, you will need to include disability benefits in the settlement.
  • Lost income: You can claim compensation if a dog bite injury keeps you from work, causing you to lose your wages.
  • Emotional trauma: Dog attacks can lead to long-term emotional damage, making it hard to return to your usual self. You might be able to get compensation for the pain and discomfort.

The settlement involves placing a dollar amount on the justifiable damages. However, this is usually subjective, and you might be fairly compensated, especially when an insurance company is in the picture. Getting legal representation ensures that you get a fair appraisal of your injuries to avoid unjust settlements.

Do Insurance Companies Pay for Dog Bite Claims?

Many homeowners’ policies can settle a claim on a successful verdict. However, this only applies where the dog owner has this clause in their coverage. Without the appropriate coverage, any settlements must come out of the owner’s pocket, which could likely lead to under-compensation if not well addressed.

What to Do After a Dog Bite?

If you or a loved one falls victim to a dog attack:

  1. Find the dog’s owner and get their contact.
  2. Ensure that you have the names and contact details of any witnesses. It will come in handy should you disagree with the dog owner.
  3. Take pictures of the dog where possible, inflicted injuries, and any crucial landmarks leading to the scene.
  4. Seek immediate medical attention and keep records of every visit and hospital bill.
  5. Report the incident to the animal control authorities. They might want to know the dog’s owner or if it wore a license tag-(steps 1, 2, and 3 above will come in handy).

Typical Dog Laws Across the States

The following list summarizes the applicable laws on dog bites across all states.

#1. Alabama

Applicable statute(s) – Alabama Code § 3-6-1

In Alabama, the owner will be held liable if it happens within their property, but they could be off the hook if they can prove provocation.

#2. Arizona

Applicable statute(s)

  • Arizona Revised Statutes § 11-1020. Dogs;  liability
  • Arizona Revised Statutes § 11-1025. Liability for dog bites
  • Arizona Revised Statutes § 11-1026. Lawful presence on private property defined

Liability falls to the owner if it happens in public and under lawful entry into private property.

#3. California

Applicable statute(s) – California Code, Civil Code – CIV § 3342

The owner is liable if the bite occurs in public or the victim is lawfully on private property.

#4. Colorado

Applicable statute(s) – Colorado Revised Statutes § 13-21-124. Civil actions against dog owners

The owner may not be liable for the first bite unless they knew about the dog’s propensity to bite or if the victim suffers serious bodily injury.

#5. Connecticut

Applicable statute(s) – Connecticut General Statutes. § 22-357. Damage by dogs to person or property

The owner faces strict liability if the victim is under the age of seven or if they are bitten without trespassing or provocation.

#6. Delaware

Applicable statute(s) – Delaware Code Del.C. § 16-3053F. Liability of dog owner for damages

The owner faces strict liability if the victim was not trespassing, committing a crime, or provoking the dog.

#7. District of Columbia

Applicable statute(s) – District of Columbia Code Division I. Government of District. § 8-1808. Prohibited Conduct.

D.C. has a contributory negligence clause that may rule out compensation if the victim’s actions caused the bite. The dog owner is liable if it was not controlled at the time.

#8. Florida

Applicable statute(s) – Florida Statutes § 767.01 & 767.04 Dog owner’s liability for damages to persons bitten

Comparative fault might reduce the victim’s compensation if their actions contributed to the incident. The dog owner will not be liable if they have a clear No Trespass sign on their property or if the victim committed a crime.

#9. Georgia

Applicable statute(s) – Georgia Code § 51-2-7 Vicious animals, liability for injuries caused

The owner may be liable if the dog is not under control.

#10. Hawaii

Applicable statute(s) – Hawaii Revised Statutes Division 4. Courts and Judicial Proceedings § 663-9.1. Exception of animal owners to civil liability

The victim may sue the owner for damages unless the dog owner proves trespass or provoking the dog.

#11. Illinois

Applicable statute(s) – Illinois Statutes Chapter 510. Animals § 5/16.Animal attacks or injuries

The dog owner faces strict liability unless the victim was trespassing or provoking the dog.

#12. Iowa

Applicable statute(s) – Iowa Code § 351.28. Liability for damages

The dog owner is liable for any harm caused to a person or a domestic animal. They will also be held liable where negligence is proven.

#13. Kentucky

Applicable statute(s) – Kentucky Revised Statutes § 258.235 Authority to kill or seize dog; return by court to owner of vicious dog; liability for damage; proceeding by person attacked by dog; disposition of dog after seizure; powers of animal control officer; vicious dog not to run at large

Dangerous dogs must be kept away from people. The dog owner may be held liable for injuries or damage to people, livestock, and property.

#14. Louisiana

Applicable statute(s) – Louisiana Statutes Article. 2321. Damage caused by animals.

Strict liability applies where the owner may have prevented the injury.

#15. Maine

Applicable statute(s) – Maine Revised Statutes § 7.729. Damage by Animals

The owner is strictly liable if their dog bites someone off their property, but the victim might have to prove that they did not cause any provocation.

#16. Maryland

Applicable statute(s) – Code of Maryland section 3-1901 Actions against dog owners for personal injury or death caused by dog

The owner is not strictly liable in the following situations:

  • The victim was trespassing or attempting to trespass
  • The victim was committing or attempting to commit a crime
  • The owner proves that the victim provoked the dog

#17. Massachusetts

Applicable statute(s) – Massachusetts General Laws § 140.155. Liability for damage caused by dogs; minors; presumption and burden of proof

The dog owner is strictly liable if there is no trespass or provocation or if the victim is under seven years old.

#18. Michigan

Applicable statute(s) – Michigan Compiled Laws § 287.351 Person bitten by dog; liability of owner.

The dog owner is strictly liable if the victim is in public or lawfully on private property as long as they did not provoke the dog.

#19. Minnesota

Applicable statute(s) – Minnesota Statutes § 347.22 Damages, owner liable.

Minnesota dog owners may be liable if the dog attacks a person who is lawfully where they are, and they are not causing any provocation.

#20. Missouri

Applicable statute(s) – Annotated Missouri Statutes 273.036. Dog bite without provocation-owner liable for damages

A dog owner may be fined $1,000 if they are found liable for negligence, but the victim’s compensation may be reduced if they are found to have been at fault.

#21. Montana

Applicable statute(s) – Montana Title 27. Civil Liability, Remedies, and Limitations § 27-1-715. Liability of owner of vicious dog

The dog owner is strictly liable for damages caused by their dog in an incorporated region.

#22. Nebraska

Applicable statute(s) – Revised Statutes of Nebraska § 54.601. Dogs; personal property; owner liable for damages.

Strict liability will not apply to trespassers and injuries caused by the dog’s playfulness.

#23. New Hampshire

Applicable statute(s) – Statutes Annotated of the State of New Hampshire. Title XLV. Animals. 466:19 Liability of Owner or Keeper.

The dog owner is liable for all damage caused by the dog and any playful acts leading to injuries.

#24. New Jersey

Applicable statute(s) – New Jersey Statutes Annotated. Title 4: 19-16. Liability of owner regardless of viciousness of dog

The owner is strictly liable if the victim was not trespassing.

#25. New York

Applicable statute(s) – New York Consolidated Laws, Agriculture and Markets Law – AGM § 123. Dangerous dogs

Liability claims are allowed for injuries to people, livestock, and pet animals. Non-medical claims may need concrete proof of negligence.

#26. North Carolina

Applicable statute(s) – North Carolina General Statutes Annotated § 14.67-12. Permitting dogs to run at large at night; penalty; liability for damage

The dog owner is strictly liable if they let a dangerous dog run wild or if the victim can prove negligence.

#27. Ohio

Applicable statute(s) – Ohio Revised Code Annotated. Title IX. 955.28 Dog may be killed for certain acts; owner liable for damages.

The dog owner is strictly liable if the victim did provoke the dog, did not trespass, or was not committing or planning to commit a crime.

#28. Oklahoma

Applicable statute(s) – Oklahoma Statutes Annotated. Title 21. § 42.1. Personal injury by dog-Liability of owner

The dog owner is strictly liable for bites without provocation.

#29. Pennsylvania

Applicable statute(s) – Purdon’s Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes § 459-502. Dog bites; detention and isolation of dogs

The dog owner is strictly liable for severe injury claims if the dog acts without provocation or if the victim was not trespassing.

#30. Rhode Island

Applicable statute(s) – Rhode Island General Laws Title 4. Animals and Animal Husbandry § 4-13-16. Action for damages to animals-Double damages on second recovery-Destruction of offending dog

Dog owners will be held liable for damages caused by an unrestrained dog and fined for subsequent incidents.

#31. South Carolina

Applicable statute(s) – South Carolina Code of Laws Annotated § 47-3-10

Liability falls on the dog owner if it happens on public property or when the victim is legally on private property.

#32. Tennessee

Applicable statute(s) – Tennessee Code § 44-8-413. Injury caused by dogs; civil liability; exceptions; limitations

Unless the victim was trespassing, the dog owner is liable if they knew the animal’s propensities.

#33. Texas

Applicable statute(s) – Texas Health and Safety Code § 822.005. Attack by Dog

The dog owner may be liable if the victim can prove negligence.

#34. Utah

Applicable statute(s) – Utah Code § 18-1-1. Liability of owners-Scienter-Dogs used in law enforcement

Dog owners are strictly liable, but the statute exempts law enforcement animals.

#35. Washington

Applicable statute(s) – RCW 16.08.040 Dog bites-Liability.

Strict liability applies if the victim accessed private property lawfully or if the attack happened in a public space. However, this may not apply to law enforcement dogs.

#36. West Virginia

Applicable statute(s) – West Virginia Code § 19-20-13. Dog running at large;  liability of owner

Strict liability falls on owners who fail to restrain their dogs.

#37. Wisconsin

Dog Bite Lawyer Levik Yarian
Levik Yarian, Dog Bite Lawyer in Burbank

Applicable statute(s) – Wisconsin Statutes § 174.02. Owner’s liability for damage caused by dog; penalties; court order to kill a dog

The owner will be penalized between $50-$500 if the dog causes injuries to a person, game animals like birds and deer, domestic animals, and property damage. The dog owner will be liable for twice the damage if it happens the second time.

In many of these states lacking definitive statutes, plaintiffs can hold dog owners liable under negligence laws if the victim proves that the owners knew their dog’s propensities.

  • Alaska
  • Arkansas
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Mississippi
  • Nevada
  • New Mexico
  • North Dakota
  • Oregon
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • South Dakota
  • Wyoming

Call a Dog Bite Attorney Near You

A dog bite attorney can help you seek justice for personal injuries caused by another person’s negligence. Contact a personal injury attorney with experience in dog bite cases if you need representation for your dog bite injury claim.

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  • 5 stars
    I hope you never need an attorney, but if you do, I can’t recommend Levik Yarian enough. His office and staff helped me with my personal injury case. They guided me through the whole process and always called to update me about he status of my case. Very grateful for the settlement they got me and for all their hard work. Thank you Levik Yarian and staff!!!!
    - Nane H.
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    Mr. Levik Yarian is a rare lawyer that seeks justice for his clients rather than his own financial gain. I recently retained his services for malpractice and have been at ease from the moment I consulted with him. I would highly recommend his services for anyone who has been exploited.
    - Catherine
  • 5 stars
    El abogado Levik Yarian y su equipo de trabajo son de lo mejor para defender al cliente con mucho profesionalismo y calidad… humana… personas muy comprometidas con el cliente… Muchas gracias por siempre al equipo Yarian y Associates.
    - Paloma E.
  • 5 stars
    Levik Yarian is an excellent Attorney. He was very thorough and responsive to our calls and e-mails, unlike the previous personal Injury law firm we had contacted. HE did everything we expected and more. We would highly recommend him to our friends and family.
    - Robert
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