Corona Truck Accident Lawyer
Big rigs impact every aspect of our lives. We could not purchase groceries, clothing, or prescription medication without the hard work of truck drivers who spend hours on the roadway delivering goods. Unfortunately, truckers are like anyone else and do not always travel safely. In some cases, their carelessness causes serious accidents.
If you or a loved one suffered an injury in a truck accident, contact a Corona truck accident attorney at Yarian Accident & Injury Lawyers today and find out what legal options are available to seek compensation for your injuries and damage to your vehicle.
Timing Matters in Truck Accident Injury Cases
When you suffer an injury in a truck accident, chances are your recovery will be long and painful. Additionally, your family will be facing new financial challenges because you may be unable to work in the immediate aftermath of an accident.
California allows a victim of a roadway accident to seek compensation when someone else is at fault for the accident. However, there are time limits to when you may file a lawsuit to recover damages. The California statute of limitations allows victims to file personal injury claims within two years of the accident. The sooner you contact Yarian Accident & Injury Lawyers, the better.
Truck Accident Injuries Leave You Disabled
The weight of a standard automobile is about 6,000 pounds, assuming it is fully loaded. Tractor trailers, even when empty, can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds. This discrepancy means a victim in a car struck by an empty truck will probably suffer injuries.
Some of the injury’s victims could face include:
- Amputations – victims could have deep enough wounds that part of the tissue on a limb begins to die before they can get treatment. In other cases, serious infections can result in an amputation of a limb.
- Crush fractures – when you compare the weight of a car to a truck, the simple impact of an accident can result in crushing fractures even in a minor truck accident. Crushing fractures can be the result of a victim pinned between two immovable surfaces during a collision.
- Injuries to the spinal cord – sideswipe collisions and rear-end collisions can result in spinal cord injuries. These injuries can mean victims are facing paralysis, life-long back pain, or limits to their mobility.
- Internal organ damage – while seat belts and airbags can reduce the risk of death when you are involved in an accident, they can also contribute to the potential of internal injuries.
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) – one of the most devastating injuries a victim could face is TBI. These injuries are often life-altering on many levels. Some victims will face memory issues, personality changes, and others could face irreparable damage that leaves them incapable of caring for themselves or their families.
At Yarian Accident & Injury Lawyers, we understand that following a Corona truck accident you have questions. We also understand you may be having difficulties processing the trauma of your accident. If you can’t contact us on your own, have a family member or friend contact us on your behalf and discuss what options are available to you.
Holding the Right Parties Accountable
Truck accident cases are complicated. The driver may bear the primary responsibility for a trucking accident, but contributing factors may have caused it. These contributing factors may result in claims against more than one insurance policy.
Some of the potential accountable parties include:
- Trucker’s Employer – when a company does not practice good hiring practices, they could enable dangerous drivers or unqualified drivers to operate big rigs. This is dangerous for the driver and poses untold dangers to those who share the road with big trucks.
- Shipping Company – The driver is responsible for properly loading a truck under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)‘s regulations.
- Third Parties – You may hold other drivers, the maintenance company ensuring the truck was roadworthy, or others liable following a Corona truck accident.
There are more than 15.2 million private and commercial trucks registered in California, and on average, an estimated 3.3 percent of all accidents across the United States involve a truck. If you are a victim of these accidents, Yarian Accident & Injury Lawyers can help you identify the responsible parties and hold them accountable for their negligence.
Losses and Damages You Can Include in Truck Accident Claims
Victims are often uncertain what they can include in a truck accident claim. This is one of the many reasons why you need to o hire a truck accident lawyer to handle the claim on your behalf. You can recover compensation for out-of-pocket costs, losses you suffer from your injury, and other areas.
Some of the financial items you may include in your truck accident claim:
- Lost wages and benefits – for many victims, this single category will constitute the largest part of the final settlement or judgment. Victims may include any lost pay that disability payments did not make up. In addition, when a victim must use sick time, vacation time, or personal days before getting disability payments, they may include those. You may include certain benefits in this portion of the claim. Talk to your attorney about all of the losses associated with not being able to work. Remember, if you can’t return to your prior employment because of your injuries, you may also include future losses in your claim.
- Unreimbursed medical expenses – even if you have great medical insurance, you may have copayments and other expenses that you must pay for on your own. Your health insurance may not cover ambulance rides, emergency room visits, or visits to specialists. As a Corona truck accident victim, you should not have to bear these costs. The party who is responsible for your injuries should be paying these costs.
- Car damage and other expenses – your car will likely need significant repairs following a truck accident. In some cases, you may need to replace it. These are not costs you should be responsible for when someone else is to blame for the accident that caused the damage. Victims may need to hire someone to get them to appointments, may need to rent a vehicle to run errands, or have a rideshare company take their child back and forth to school. These additional expenses should be the responsibility of the party liable for the accident.
These are only a few of the potential types of compensation that you may include in a truck accident claim. Victims may also need medical equipment such as wheelchairs or hospital beds that may require out-of-pocket costs. A victim who suffers serious injuries may also need to hire a third party to deal with household chores, which will mean paying someone to do chores they would normally do themselves.
When you work closely with a Corona truck accident lawyer from Yarian Accident & Injury Lawyers, we can ensure your claim is complete before filing a settlement demand.
Insurance Company Tactics: Avoiding and Minimizing
Victims of roadway accidents often ask a key question, “Do I need to hire a truck accident lawyer?”
Whether one insurer or multiple insurers are involved, you must understand they will protect themselves, not you.
An insurance company may do anything to avoid paying a settlement to victims, even when their client is clearly at fault. You need a lawyer who knows the steps they may take to avoid blame or deflect blame to another party.
Some of these steps include:
- Saying it was not their client’s fault – if a victim files a claim with the truck driver’s insurer, they may say it was the employer’s responsibility. This may mean that your attorney would have to request any evidence the insurer had that supported this claim and evaluate it.
- Claiming your injury already existed – they may claim this if your injury involved your back or neck. The insurer hopes they can show that if an accident exacerbated an old injury, you can’t hold them responsible because you had already received treatment. This is why you need a lawyer working with you immediately after an accident.
- Offering a fast settlement – when a victim has suffered catastrophic injuries such as TBI or spinal cord injury, the insurer may offer a fast settlement. This is one way the insurers use to get out of paying long-term medical costs and other costs associated with the long-term needs of victims. Remember, once you accept a settlement, insurers are off the hook for any future losses you may suffer.
Never assume the insurance company is there to help you, even when they offer a fast settlement. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you get an offer from an insurance company and have not already decided to hire an attorney, contact Yarian Accident & Injury Lawyers immediately. We can help you understand the terms of the settlement offer, and help you determine whether the insurance company is treating you fairly.
The High Cost of Not Hiring a Lawyer
While many truck accident victims think they can handle negotiating on their own, there are valid reasons why they should hire a lawyer to represent them. First, you need a party to serve as your advocate. You need time to focus on your physical recovery and you are also probably under a great deal of stress both emotionally and financially.
The insurance company expects this combination of factors: That you will accept an offer for far less than what a truck accident attorney would advise you to settle for.
At Yarian Accident & Injury Lawyers, we understand your finances are a significant concern when you are out of work following a truck accident injury. However, we also believe that getting good legal advice and assistance should not factor in how much money you have available to pay legal fees upfront.
This is what you can expect from our firm:
- No Strings Attached Consultation – you can call our office, or you can fill out a free case review form immediately and we will discuss your case. We will evaluate your case based on the information you provide and help you understand your legal options. You are under no obligation to hire us just because you have requested a consultation. The consultation is free.
- Hire us Based on a Contingency Fee – if you decide to hire us to represent you and handle your truck accident injury claim, you will not be obligated to pay out of pocket for our legal services upfront. This is because we take cases on a contingency fee basis. Unless we secure a settlement from the appropriate insurer or insurers or a court judgment, you pay nothing for our attorney’s fees.
Contact an Experienced Corona Truck Accident Attorney

Hiring a lawyer does not mean you give up any decision-making about a settlement. Remember, your attorney cannot accept or reject an offer without discussing it with you first. Having an attorney available to explain the pros and cons of a settlement offer can help you avoid being taken advantage of.
If you suffered an injury in a truck collision and you were not at fault, contact Yarian Accident & Injury Lawyers today at (951) 523-0000. We will ask you for the details about your case, review the available information about your physical condition, and help you understand your legal options.
Yarian Truck Accident Corona, CA Office Location
1611 Pomona Rd #222Corona, CA 92878
Phone: +1 951-523-0000